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Welcome to The Fiery Chronicles! You have found the place where I share everything I find beautiful and interesting in life. This includes beauty and fashion tips, fitness/health advice, recipes, and the chronicles of my adventures. I hope you enjoy the ride!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A Sammy Rue Story

If you hadn't noticed already, I really adore my puppy. I think she's just about the cutest thing anyone ever did see. In fact, as I type she is jumping up on my legs and walking over the keyboard with her tennis ball in her mouth trying to get me to play with her.

Lest you think I am a neglectful mother, let me give a caveat to the story I'm about to tell.

I had just gotten back from work and took the fiery little thing for a mile walk - she hadn't been home alone long at all because I went into work early and was out at noon. Anyway, along with the walk I threw the tennis ball around with her for about 15 minutes and I thought she was tired... I was wrong.

When we got back to the house she kept harrassing me (as she is still doing). It's hilarious to watch her carry around her tennis ball and jump over everthing trying to get you to play with her.

Eventually she gave up on me and went to the stairs. She walks up the stairs with her tennis ball, drops it at the top, and nudges it until it rolls all the way down the stairs - then she chases it down and repeats the whole thing. I was in the bedroom but heard her making a ruckus and came out to watch her. It was one of the cutest, smartest, most entertaining things I've ever seen a dog do. Haha.

Anyway, I thought you might enjoy that little puppy tale ;) I think she's finally gotten all of her energy out and is ready for a nap. Phew! :) 


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